Wednesday, December 17, 2014

New Years Resolution

I don't typically make New Year's resolutions. I break them by February, beat myself up for my lack of perfection or my lack of self-discipline and then there goes the year.  But this year, I'm making one. I'm calling it 365 Days of Writing.

I love to write.  I am not necessarily good at it, but I remember when it was an outlet for me. Becoming a mother sort of plugged the outlet. I don't have time, I  tell myself. But, I do have time.  As I look back at what my life has been during the last 6 months, all I can say is that it hasn't been pretty.

I'm tired. I'm overwhelmed. I've got absolutely zero motivation to get through Christmas. (That's a whole story in itself that would take too long to explain.)  I do know how I've arrived at this place and it's not a fair story for me to share.  I'm not sure how I'm going to move past this place.  I think sleep might be good, but rest might be better.  

So, my writing may be blogged but it may not be. It will, however, be done.  I need to do it.  My brain needs some freedom.