We've been dealing with life, one day at a time. There are good things; there are hard things.
We've remodeled. We've done a proper remodel. We hired an architect to help us create something. And he did. The kitchen is opened now. The dining room is open. There is a lot of light coming in. I've got double ovens. I have counter space. Lots of counter space. We installed a raised bar to add some counter space, but my kids love it. They gather there and chat with each other and with me. The baking is fun now. Bread, cookies, cakes, crackers...there's space to do these things.
I graduated from minivan driving. I'm driving an Elantra now. I love that little car. She's peppy. She likes going places. She's comfortable. And she's got heated front seats.
Tabitha is engaged. I'm going to be a mother-in-law. I like him well enough. I don't think he's ever met any family like us. We do things a little differently. But then again, he was basically an only child. Doing things the big family way can be overwhelming. But he's easy going enough that he's learning to take it all in stride.
And Becca's close to testing for her 2nd degree. She's pretty excited.
But there's still Hannah's heartbreak we are working through. She's still a bit blown about trying to find her way. Retail is not it. She's good at it, but so many angry people is just about more than she can bare. There is a path for her. She's efficient, she's organized, and she does her job well. But chaos undoes everything. The Army was good fit for the organization; retail is not a fit at all.