Wednesday, September 8, 2010

This is a fine How-Do-You-Do

Well, it looks to us as if we adopted a pregnant pooch.   It isn't at all what we bargained for.  Nope.  However, it is probably better that she is having them with us instead of her former home.  

Of course, pregnancy may explain some of her issues.  Maybe after the pups are weaned and re-homed (anyone want a part chocolate lab puppy? We are thinking they will be ready just in time for...wait for it...Christmas!) she will become more like a normal lab.  She shows promise once in a while, after all.

I'm not sorry we adopted her.  We enjoy her enough.  I am frustrated that I will have puppies to deal with.  I guess my children will have a semester of animal husbandry added into their school work.


  1. I Want one! Now to figure out how to get it here....;)

  2. Lol, when is the next time your family is heading out to see you?

  3. ummm, tomorrow...too soon for a puppy....we will have to think about this cause Lance would LOVE to be surprised with a future hunting puppy for Christmas :)
