There are all around us little self-appointed demi-gods. No one put them in that position; they assumed it alone. Yet men and women stood by and said "amen" as the ascension took place. Those who gave consent were immediately taken captive. They would become the top-of-the-pile slaves who would chase down and convert other slaves. The demi-god grows in power and in ego. His empire is his alone and those who would tell him "no" are exiled.
The exile is immediate and complete. And it is painful for all of the other slaves will be told all manner of lies about that one so that they are convinced the one is bound for hell tomorrow and nothing can stop his progress.
That one who dares to stand against the demi-god is doomed.
Really, the one who dares to stand is making a very hard choice. He does not have to stand. He could continue letting things go. There are many who won't dare.
Then, some day the demi-god erupts and every nasty bit that was buried inside him gets flung to the wind.
Lucky Exile, for he extricated himself from the mess.
But we don't see him as lucky. The man we pity is the one who is left to clean up the mess. Why? It really is a mess of his own making because he didn't choose to say "no." He chose safety over right.
Do not call the one left to clean up the mess a good man; that is not true. That one left to clean it up is a mere coward who was as self-serving as his demi-god. Instead of pitying the one left behind, pity the one who lost everything in an attempt to do right. Call that Exile the good man.
I've known Exiles. They are quiet, unremarkable people. But they are strong. They are stronger than you would ever imagine.
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