There are people who are merely annoying. They are mostly harmless. They just don't know when to stop. Then, there are people who are dangerous.
The dangerous ones are the manipulators who almost effortlessly go through so many contortions in a situation that you are amazed that they got to where they are. But they have to do this. They have to twist and turn in order to make the situation be all about YOU. They don't mind ignoring plain truths. This situation must not be about them.
Sometimes we get trapped by these manipulators. I mean, they can seem to be the nicest of people. But sometimes we catch on; or we catch them at it one too many times and we put an end to it. They can't stand that. They have to maintain control and when you have them figured out, they've lost control. So, you walk away and they don't. They continue to beat it about. They malign you; they mock you.
Yet, you are are relieved. The strangest sort of relief comes when you call the wickedness by name. The wickedness loses power.
Others may seem to go along with the manipulator; but don't worry. Pray for the followers, actually. You see, the followers will be eaten up as well. Once the manipulator has gone through everyone else, his little circle of followers is all he has left.
As you suffer this maligning, just remember that Creator of all sees this too. He knows where the wicked dwells and He knows who is righteous.
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