Monday, January 25, 2016

The Current Reading List

If you stumble across this blog every once in a while, you will know that I might have ADHD when it comes to books. You can count on me to have several books going at any given time.

So, the current list includes the following:

1. A Very British Family  This is a history of the (in)famous Trevelyan family. It's written by a Trevelyan, but it is the only book I could find.  It's slow going in this one, but it has led me to increase my TBR pile because now I want to read The Competition Wallah, which was written by one of the Trevelyans.

2. The Ninja Librarians is being read with the kids. It's slow. I like that this book takes place in a library.  I like that this book introduces some awfully clever words that the average middle schooler won't likely read otherwise. I hate that in the first 86 pages I have had to correct grammar.  There are awkward moments of humor that help ease the tedium. This book will be finished but only because of the principle of the matter and also...there's my Goodreads challenge that needs the numbers.

3. Israel is nearly complete. As a matter of fact, we will finish it tomorrow and move on to Afghanistan. As we have read through the books about the various Middle Eastern countries, I have found extreme agendas in promoting Islam. This book began with a seeming bias against Israel by oddly worded sentences that made Israel look like the aggressor in many cases where history shows Israel was attacked first.  However, as the book moved on, the wording changed and became a little more honest.  Yes, I realize Israel has done some things that have been aggressive; but not all the things were started by them. Honesty is good.

4. IA: Initiate is only just begun but there has been magic already.  Most notably, my inner reading voice became James Earl Jones-ish.  My inner reading voice is rarely male and never big like his. That was unique and cool. So far, the characters I've met are believable and quite possibly just like children I knew when I spent so many hours with kids in Gary, Indiana.  As a matter of fact, the young girl is most definitely pictured like one most adorable saucy child. This is quite readable and I'll possibly read it to the kids if I ever finish slogging through Ninja Librarians.

5. The Windcatcher has been slow. I started reading it last May.  The writing style is difficult for me, but this is a book I go to when I feel specific clarity mentally. It takes a few minutes to get into the proper mode and then I can go only a short distance.  I will finish this one but it may take a while. It isn't because it is uninteresting.  It is more that it doesn't match my style. I don't mind books like that.

6. The Korean Word for Butterfly is odd. I don't know if it's going to get any better, but I've read words like "groovy" and "cool cat." This is a book set in the 2000's. 

There may be others.  Well, there are always others. Catch-22 is languishing under my bed because the thought of the droning on makes me feel as though fingernails are being dragged down a blackboard. 

I have just completed The Mad Tinker's Daughter which I loved. It was my first foray into the steampunk genre and it was clever and it was fun. There is a good possibility that I will go on to the 2nd in the trilogy at some point.

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